Author: Gerardo Kessler
This addon was developed to make easier use of the application adding keyboard Shortcuts for some important functions, also labeling some buttons that do not have some name.
Unigram Plus – nvda addon to make unigram accessible
Instructions and commands:
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When you open WhatsApp Desktop the focus mode goes to enable automatically. Pressing shift + tab after of load the application, we can explore the chat list with up and down arrow keys. Note: This addon only work with focus mode active.
Addon commands:
- Put in first place the window of WhatsApp; without Shortcut assigned. Is possible add it from input gestures dialog.
- Open WhatsApp; without Shortcut assigned. Is possible add it from input gestures dialog.
- Start and send the recording of a voice message; Control + r.
- Start and finish a call to the contact of focused chat; Alt + control + l.
- Start and finish a video call to the contact of focused chat; ALT + control + v.
- Know the time that have a voice message recorded; Control + t.
- Copy the text of focused message; Control + shift + c.
- Open the link of focused message in default system browser; control + l.
- Open the attach menu; Control + shift + a.
- Open the chat menu; Control + m.
- Open the general menu of WhatsApp; Control + g.
- Play the video of focused message; Control + shift + v.
- Change on the speed play of a voice message, Space bar.
- Know the time that have a voice message played; Control + t.
- Say name of actual chat; Control + shift + t.
- Download the file of a message when it has; Alt + Enter.
- Move focus of the replied message. Alt + control + enter.
- Previous 5 messages in the list: page up.
- Next 5 messages in the list, page dawm.
- Say the message according with position; Alt + 1 to 9 (only from edit box of messages).
- Toggle the focus between message list and the edit box to enter in a chat; Alt + left arrow.
- Press the button read more for text mesages that have it; Alt + down arrow.
general keyboard Shortcuts of the application:
- Create new chat; Control + n.
- Enable search dialog for chats; Control + f.
- Archive a chat; Control + e.
- Context menu of chat: right arrow.
- Focus next chat; Control+ tab.
- Focus previous chat; control + shift + tab.
- Delete chat; Control + shift + d.
- Pin, unpin chat; control + shift + p.
- Open the message context menu, Right arrow.
- Enable search for chat messages; Control + shift + f.
keyboard Shortcuts for selection mode:
- Check and uncheck message with focus, Space bar.
- Say number of selected messages, S.
- Forward selected messages; R.
- Delete selected messages; Delete/supr.
- Highlight deleted messages, D.
- Exit of selection mode, Q.
Update channel:
From version 0.9 added an update channel that went disabled by default. For enable, we have the following past: * Open and focus the WhatsApp Window. * Show the NVDA Menu with NVDA + n and go to preferences, options. * Looking for WhatsApp in the list and press tab for found the checkbox. * Once check, apply, and accept to save the changes.
When we open WhatsApp with this function enabled, the addon go to compare the version of manifest with last release on GitHub. If the addon not found same version is show a window that allow download and install the latest version.
Instructions of selection mode:
For enable the selection mode we need enable the context menu of focused message, with the command control + m, or with applications key. Once the menu is open, we move with down arrow, that we need enable with enter. When you press this option, a Window is activated that bee remove automatically by the addon and return the focus to the message list, process that can take various seconds. If this do not happen, we can evaluate with the command alt + down arrow or pressing tab to message list. If everything Is ok, we are in the selection mode, that we can check pressing the letter s that say the selected messages. Here, we can select and unselect messages with space bar, and we can make the following actions: * Delete messages with delete/supr key. * Forward messages with r. * Highlight messages with the letter d. * Close the selection mode with q. Depending on the selected function the window goes to enable. The selection of contacts in the case of forward, the confirmation window in case of delete messages, etc.
The following people contributed with translations of the addon: Carlos Esteban Martinez Macias, to English. Mustafa Elçiçek, to Turkish. Remi Ruiz, to French. Angelo Miguel Abrantes, to Portuguese. Valentin Kupriyanov, to russian.
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