Online Workshop on Optimizing Audacity Sound Editor with NVDA

Language: English and Hindi

Date: 25th February 2023, (Saturday).

Time: 4.30 pm to 5.30 pm Indian standard time

Venue: Online Session (Zoom conferencing platform)

Dear All,

St. Xavier’s College, XRCVC -Viviana extension is happy to announce an online workshop on the theme “Optimizing Audacity sound editor with NVDA Part-4” under its Tech Roshni series – A step at bridging the digital divide for blind and low vision persons. This Workshop is supported by the Dhun Pestonji Parakh Discretionary Trust.

In last three sessions we study about recording, playback, copy cut and other processing actions on project in the Audacity application.

In upcoming Part 4 different features of the program will consider with examples.

Eligibility: participants should have good knowledge of screen reader, cursor movements, Key board, basics of Audacity and internet browsing.

Limited seats are available for the session.

Resource Persons: Vikas Dabholkar and Keshavan Nadar

Criteria: Persons with print disabilities such as blindness and low vision. Participant should be a screen reader user.

Date: 25th February 2023, (Saturday).

Time: 4.30 pm to 5.30 pm.

Venue: Online Session (Zoom conferencing platform)

The registration link will close at 6.00 pm. On Thursday, 23rd February 2023.

Important Note:

  1. Instructions to login will be sent by email on 24th February 2023, Friday to the registered participants only.
  2. After clicking the above given link, fill in the form. Please do not click on the Request Edit Access button. If you click on it the form will not get submitted. Once the form is filled then click on the Submit button only.
  3. Participants are requested to use their personal earphones/headphones during the session.
  4. After successful form submission, you will receive acknowledgement email from Google.

apply from here

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