Name: “MU App”.
Program Developers: Mohamed Amr and Anas Mohammed.
MU App with its first release (1.0).
Hi to all.
We are pleased to present our program, which is called “MU App”.
It is a versatile portable program with a very simple graphical interface free of complications.
The program contains many useful tools, and it currently supports the English language and works on Windows 10/11 64-bit only. and now here is the help file.
Multi Usage Application (MU App)
You will find a lot of tools in this program, and we will explain them now.
A simple notepad tool that allows you to create, open and save text files.
Go to the File menu by pressing the Alt key to find the save and open options, or you can use the following keyboard shortcuts.
- CTRL+O: Open a new file.
- CTRL+S: Save the file.
- ALT+B or ALT+F4: Return to the MU App window.
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Search Multiple Sites
A tool that allows you to search in multiple and various sites, including search engines: Google, Bing, yahoo, ecosia and DuckDuckGo
And also search in Arabic, English and French Wikipedia.
You can search on other sites such as YouTube and Amazon, and you can type or paste a link to open it in the browser.
Another feature of Search Multiple Sites: Share text on
With this feature you can share any text you type in some sites, just type the text and press ALT+S, then choose the site you want to share the text on.
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Text to Speech
A simple text-to-speech tool, when you open it will prompt you to choose a text-to-speech service.
The supported services are Google and Microsoft, press the Tab key and choose what you want.
Note: Microsoft Text-to-Speech only supports English (US) with David’s voice.
When choosing Google, you will find the following items.
- Open Text File: To fetch text from TXT files.
- Text: to enter text manually.
- Filename: To Enter the filename to be saved.
- Language code: To enter the language code, e.g. Arabic: ar, English: en, French: fr.
- Save: to save the file in MP3 format.
◦It will be saved next to the program’s executable file, regardless of its path.
- Press ALT+B/ALT+F4 to return to the MU App window.
When choosing Microsoft, you will find the following items.
- Open Text File: To fetch text from TXT files.
- Text: to enter text manually.
- Rate: To Specify/type the speech rate for the file to be saved, from 100 to -100, (the default is 0).
- Volume: To Specify/type the volume of the file to be saved, from 1 to 100 (the default is 100).
- Keyboard shortcuts: Press F5 to preview the audio, F6 to pause the preview, F7 to resume the preview.
- Save: to save the file (in WAV format).
- It will be saved next to the program’s executable file, regardless of its path.
- Press ALT+B/ALT+F4 to return to the MU App window.
Random Selection
A simple electronic lottery, when you open it you will find the following items.
- names list.
- .. To add a new name to the names list.
- choose name: to choose a random name from the added names list.
- To delete a name from the names list, select the name you want to delete, then press the Applications key and press Delete.
- When you add a name to the names list, you will see a dialogue, you can choose whether this answer is correct or not.
- You can press T for the true answer, or F for the false answer.
- Press ALT+B/ALT+F4 to return to the MU App window.
Learn Braille for Blind
A tool to learn Braille for Blind, when you open it, you will find the following items.
- Letter: To select/type the letter whose dots is required for Braille.
- get letter: to get dots for the letter.
- Press ALT+B/ALT+F4 to return to the MU App window.
Create HTML
A tool to write HTML codes easily. When you open it, you will find the following items.
- HTML: This is an edit box into which the results of the currently opened file are written/displayed.
- By pressing the Application key on the edit box, you can insert a link, paragraph, or title.
- Open: to open and modify HTML files.
- Save: to save the file.
- Close the opened file: To close the currently opened HTML file, when you click Save, it will be saved as a new file.
- Press ALT+B/ALT+F4 to return to the MU App window.
Create Markdown
A tool to write Markdown codes easily. When you open it, you will find the following items.
- Markdown: This is an edit box into which the results of the currently opened file are written/displayed.
- By pressing the Application key on the edit box, you can insert a link, paragraph, or heading.
- Open: to open and modify Markdown files.
- Save: to save the file.
- Close the opened file: To close the Markdown file that is currently open, and when you click Save, it will be saved as a new file.
- Press ALT+B/ALT+F4 to return to the MU App window.
extract links or “text”
A tool to extract links or text between quotation marks. When you open it, you will find the following items.
- Edit box to paste/type text between quotation marks or that contains links.
- Get Result: To get the result.
- You can press the Tab key to see the result.
- Press ALT+B/ALT+F4 to return to the MU App window.
What’s new in version 2.0?
- Program design
The program design has been changed to tabs, so that you can move between tools quickly by pressing CTRL+Shift+Tab to move to previous tool, and CTRL+Tab to move to next tool, thus not having to open a new window for each tool you want to use.
- Bug fixes
All possible errors in the first version have been fixed, including Google and Microsoft text-to-speech, random selection tool, and other errors.
- Program translation
The program has been translated to Arabic, in addition to some improvements in the English translation.
You can translate the program to your language by contacting us by moving to the Help and Settings tab > Help > Contact Us. You can also read the help file from the same menu, but choose “Help” instead of “Contact us”.
- Nine new tools
In addition to everything we mentioned above, 9 new tools have been added, and now with how to use them.
Extract … from the text
A tool to extract texts between double quotation marks, links, phone numbers, emails, and much more.
And also announces characters, words and lines count in the typed text.
When you open it, you’ll find the following items.
- Open Text File: To fetch text from the text files.
- Text: to enter text manually.
- Get Result: To get the results.
YouTube Downloader
A simple tool to download YouTube videos, when you open it, you’ll find the following items.
- YouTube video link: To paste the video link.
- Download video: To start downloading the video.
Note: The video will be saved as 3GPP, to the program folder, and the window will freeze while the video is downloading.
Serial Number extracter
A simple tool to extract your computer’s serial number, when you open it you’ll find an edit box to display the serial number, and a button to copy it.
Random Password Generator
A simple tool to generate a strong and hard-to-guess password, when you open it, you’ll find the following items.
- Random Password Length: To Select/Type characters number for password, (from 5 to 10000000 characters).
- Generate: To generate the password.
◦ You can press the Tab key to see and copy the password.
Web Browser
It’s a web browser and HTML viewer, and it’s very similar to Google Chrome.
When you open it, you’ll find the following items.
- Edit box to paste a link to open it, or an HTML file path on your device to view it.
- Browse: To browse for an HTML file on your device.
- Open: To start browsing the website or viewing the HTML file.
Note: This browser is entirely dependent on Microsoft Edge, if you don’t have Microsoft Edge installed on your device and up to date to latest version, you’ll not be able to use this browser.
Open Link Dialog
It’s a dialog that appears when you trying to open a link in any of the program’s tools.
It contains an edit box to display the link you are trying to open, in addition to 3 buttons.
The first button to open the link in the default browser, the second to open the link in MU App browser (which is entirely dependent on Microsoft Edge), and the third to copy the link.
Currency converter
A simple currency exchanger tool, when you open it, you’ll find the following items.
- From: To choose the currency to be converted from.
- To: To choose the currency to be converted to.
- Value: To enter the amount.
- Convert: To exchange the currency.
Link shortener
A simple tool to short links via, when you open it, you’ll find the following items.
- Long link: To type/paste the long link you want to short.
- Short link: To short the link.
◦ You can press the Tab key to see the shortened link, copy or open it.
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