How to Use Microsoft Neural Voices with NVDA screenreader
read this article to understand how you can use narrator neural voices on nvda.
read this article to understand how you can use narrator neural voices on nvda.
nvda addon for various typing settings
voice over has got beautiful sound feedback read this article to understand how you can get the same sound feedback in nvda
cloudvision nvda add-on can be used to recognise any images. there are many features of this add-on, read this post to understand about it.
this add-on will help you to use whatsapp beta in a more comfortable way
Download latest speech history nvda add-on that works with nvda 2022.1
here is the latest vocalizer expressive voices for nvda 2022.1
here you can get all the voices for vocalizer expressive for nvda
use whatsapp in a accessible manner with the help of this addon
Unigram is an accessible telegram client for windows but there are still many accessibility issues. UnigramPlus nvda addon makes unigram more accessible with NVDA